Dry fruitloops: (110)
Stir fry: (260)
4 chocolate chip cookies: (340) (not all at one time)
total: 710
I probably would have been fine without the cookies but when I got home from school my sister made them and I could not help it. At least I didn't eat a ton. It sucks how many calories these things are. I just need to start finding some food that is low calories. If I really look, I could probably get some good stuff. But its hard to be picky when your dirt poor and the people in your house hate when you buy healthy food (and then eat it all on you).

I am just really ready to lose the pounds that I need to. I'm sick of being this weight. I just need to keep restricting and walking and it will happen. I need to keep telling myself that. It will if I work at it. If I just keep throwing it away it won't happen.
8 days to lose 5-6 pounds? It needs to happen. I'll make it happen. But if it doesn't happen. If I don't reach that goal in 8 fucking days then that will be sad. Complete failure.
Eden xox.
it will be difficult and maybe u wont be able to lose the complete 6 pounds but keep at it :) stay strong!
ReplyDeletedon't worry ! it will happen :D
ReplyDeletejust think about it like I do when I lose focus.. your eating less than 800cal a day and burning tons .. it HAS to happen but your body needs time to accept that it's in starvation mode and needs time to figure out that he needs to use the fat storage on your body :D hang in there!
Thanks guys!